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Art Appreciation

We are a small friendly and inclusive group
Members each take it in turns to research and present our sessions
We always have afternoon tea together in the Crypt cafe at the end of our meetings
New members are always welcome
We are pleased to announce our programme for 2023 -2024 :
” Latin American Art Since 1900 “
Latin America has developed its own colourful visual language,largely unencumbered by the influence of European art
Geometric Abstraction,the Mexican Mural Tradition and South American Surrealism are probably the most important art movements to have originated in Latin America
These three movements will form  the basis of our programme
We are using as our reference book ” Latin American Art Since 1900 ” by Edward Lucie – Smith
The book is published as part of the Thames and Hudson World of Art series
If you would like to learn to appreciate a wider range of art you are very welcome to join us
Our first session is on Friday 22nd September
We meet in the main hall of Kemptown Crypt at 1pm and our sessions last for 90 minutes
On Friday 22nd September we will be looking at the work of Mexican artist,disability,feminist and lesbian icon,Frida Kahlo
Please find listed below our meeting dates for 2023 – 2024
We have been asked to publish our dates in advance so that members can plan their holidays around our meetings
Friday 23rd February
Friday 8th March
Friday 22nd March
Friday 26th April
Friday 10th May
Friday 24th May
Friday 7th June
Do come along to one of our sessions if you would like to find out more
Joan and Andrew
Art Appreciation Convenors
Group Convenors James Foley
Day Fridays
Time 13:00 - 14:30
Frequency Fortnightly
Where Kemp Town Crypt
Availability Available - apply to the Convenor now
Active Yes