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History Walks – A

Brighton was once the Queen of Watering Places – the premier seaside resort in Britain.
Its Regency and Georgian squares and terraces defined the style of seaside architecture. Royalty, the aristocracy, and following the arrival of the railway, the middle and working classes flocked to London by the Sea. Behind the grand facades were industrial areas with some of the worst slums in Britain.

Much of this Georgian and Victorian townscape remains for us to discover in a series of guided walks.

Meeting will be six-weekly, dates to be advised.

Join Peter on guided tours of up to two hours
in which we discover the story of Brighton &
Hove’s historical development, and the people
and places which were part of that story.
Other local towns may also be visited.

Group Convenors Peter Crowhurst
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Day Mondays
Time 11:00 - 13:00
Frequency Six weekly
Availability Not available - waiting list full.
Active Yes