Who are we?
We are more than a collection of people who live in or near the city.
We are a diverse, lively and friendly group offering a wide range of creative, study, physical and leisure activities.
We offer the opportunity to pursue interests or learning in a sociable environment for sheer enjoyment and for its own sake.
Founded in 1982, UK u3a is a movement of over 1,000 u3as with over 450,000 members. These run local interest groups that provide a wide range of opportunities to come together to learn for fun.
Our u3a is a self-funded charity – our Registered Charity Number is 294373.
We have an active Facebook Page. Why not take a look?
Why should I join?
The rewards of membership are in making friends, learning and belonging.
Members explore new ideas, skills and activities together. You will be able to participate in any number of our Groups, come to our talks, go on visits and attend our varied additional events programme.
Members are encouraged to participate in or lead groups. Each member has access to a full programme listing groups, times, dates, venues, plus contact details.
How do I join?
Just follow the links at the top of the page.
Members share their skills and life experiences: the learners teach and the leaders learn so there is no distinction between leaders and learners. Groups run on a self-help basis and are fully self-supporting.
How does the u3a work?
Brighton & Hove is one of over 1,000 independent u3as which are affiliated to the national body (The Third Age Trust). Each u3a runs its own affairs according to its own constitution, in accordance with local members’ wishes and by their voluntary efforts. Interest groups are stimulating, physically beneficial and/or just good fun.
Brighton & Hove u3a has over 800 members and supports over 70 groups.
Once you have paid an annual fee, there are no further charges (apart from three groups which have a surcharge to cover equipment costs).
These Groups are organised into categories from Arts and Crafts, through Health and Fitness, History to Languages; there’s something for everyone.
We also run Monthly coffee mornings – a great way to get to know more about the u3a.
Our postal address is: Brighton and Hove u3a, Clarke Goodhand Smith Ltd, 12a Marlborough Place, Brighton, BN1 1WN
What are the age limits?
There is no age limit for membership, but activities are aimed at people no longer in full-time employment who wish to share in educational, recreational, social and/or creative activities.
How do I keep up to date?
Look around this website – feel free to browse. As a member, you will get full access to the various groups and a regular bulletin informing you of upcoming events by email or post